About Me
A life of being passionate about YarnWelcome
I am Carol and I am passionate about all things yarny. I have been knitting and crocheting since I was about five years old, which is an awfully long time! My dear Mum taught me well and I have never lost the bug. I have been designing and selling my patterns for a while. I love the design process, especially incorporating some of the wonderful techniques there are out in the big wide world, and my current fav is designing mosaic crochet bags.
Tech Editing
My Favourite Job Ever
I also have an eye for details and getting things right, and that is what led me into a career as a tech editor. After many years’ experience of making things from my own and other designers’ patterns, I wanted to use my skills from my ‘normal’ occupation as a computer programmer to check and correct patterns – after all what is a pattern other than a logical shorthand language!

Online Training For Knitting, Designers & Tech Editing
I was also fortunate enough to gain skills in delivering training courses over the years, and now I love to give workshops combining my presenting skills and knitting / crochet knowledge – what a fantastic journey I have had!
Whether you fancy trying one of my knitting and crochet patterns, or maybe want to get some help making sure your own patterns are well-written and stand out from the crowd, or fancy having a get together on a workshop, why not have a browse around and I’d love to meet you online soon. Find out more about more training just here